COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting

washing hands cleaning covid 19

What is COVID-19? 

COVID-19 is a highly contagious respiratory illness that spreads person to person through respiratory droplets and is caused by a new type of Coronavirus.  Respiratory droplets are spread by an infected person through coughing and sneezing. Once an infected person coughs and or sneezes, droplets escape into the air and land on surfaces or inhaled by a nearby person.  Once contracted, symptoms range from cold-like symptoms to more severe life-threatening conditions.

Best Ways to Avoid Contracting or Spreading COVID-19

The best ways to avoid contracting COVID-19 is by:

  1. Avoid crowded places
  2. Keep a 6-foot distance between you and another person
  3. Frequently washing your hands using soap for at least 20 seconds.  Please click on the following link for proper handwashing instructions from the Centers for Disease Control 
  4. Use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol when soap and water aren’t available
  5. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose or mouth
  6. Cleaning and sanitizing surfaces that you touch before you touch them or wear rubber gloves 
  7. Shower using soap and water when you return home from public places

The best ways to avoid spreading COVID-19 is by:

  • Avoid traveling outside the home until your symptom-free
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes using your elbow
  • Frequently washing your hands for at least 20 seconds after you cough, sneeze, touch your face or use the restroom
  • Wear a facemask
  • Keep a 6-foot distance between you and another person

COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfection

The best way to properly clean and sanitize your homes or businesses:

  • Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and sanitizing
  • Clean and sanitize frequently touched surfaces daily using household cleaning supplies and or disinfectants. Please follow package instructions for proper applications and wear the necessary PPE before applying to surfaces. 

The best way to properly clean and sanitize your vehicle:

  • Frequently sanitizing surfaces such as the steering wheel, door handles, signal light switches, windshield washer/wiper switches, gear shifter and all other frequently touched surfaces in your vehicle.
  • Clean and sanitize carpets, dashboards, consoles, seats, headrests, and any other surface that droplets from sneezing or coughing can land on.  

Cleaning and sanitizing are a very detailed process which takes a lot of time and energy. If you don’t have the necessary COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting products, time or ability to properly clean and sanitize your home or business, please contact a restoration company that specializes in infection control cleaning and sanitizing such as Octagon Cleaning and Restoration.

At Octagon Cleaning and Restoration, we follow strict CDC guidelines while safely cleaning and sanitizing your home or business. We offer free over the phone quotes for our different types of cleaning and sanitizing services. We can accommodate most schedules to clean and sanitize as often as you wish. We can clean high touch surfaces or provide a full detail cleaning of your home or business.